Can a Person with Periodontal Disease Get Veneers?

Can a Person with Periodontal Disease Get Veneers?

July 7, 2022

Veneers can correct dental imperfections like cracks, chips, and discoloration. These shells can correct teeth affected by periodontal disease, but you may need a gum disease treatment before getting veneers if you have gum inflammation.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Bacteria is the primary cause of gum inflammation. They feed on food left behind by the teeth, and plaque forms on the teeth. The plaque hardens and creates tartar on the teeth, which harbors bacteria. This buildup of tartar causes the gums to recede and become inflamed. Periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss.

You might not feel any symptoms when you have gingivitis, but the infection can be reversed if you visit the dentist near you regularly. As the disease progresses, the bacteria get into the deeper layers of gum tissue, spreading the inflammation. This is when you realize your gums are swollen and red. If you don’t get treatment at this stage, your gums could start to separate from your teeth, and your teeth could lose their shape.

Diagnosing Gum Disease

 Gum disease has many warning signs. If you notice pain or soreness, foul or bad breath, your gums bleed when you brush or floss; you probably have gum disease. Visit our dentist in Ancaster, ON, for a professional dental exam. They can check your teeth and examine your gums for signs of gum disease and recommend the appropriate treatment.

How to Treat Gum Disease?

We often recommend getting deep cleaning to get rid of the plaque buildup. However, as the infection advances, the dentist will perform scaling and root planing, flap surgery, and gum and bone grafting to rectify the situation.

Can You Get Gum Disease With Veneers?

With dental veneers, we can reshape the front of the teeth and change their color. These changes can significantly improve the way you smile.

As long as you brush and floss properly, porcelain veneers should not increase your risk of gum disease. However, if you’re a smoker, you’re at a higher risk of developing gum disease, especially if you’re not quitting.

Who Will Benefit from Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers in Ancaster, ON, are ideal for those who want to:

  • Change the color of their teeth
  • Improve the appearance of a single tooth
  • Reshape their teeth
  • Make their teeth look smaller
  • Correct minor tooth wear.

Can You Get Veneers if You Have Gum Disease?

Yes, you can. However, the procedure will be ideal if you get gum disease treatment. It is also worth noting that veneers may not be a suitable solution if you have active decay.

The Process of Getting Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a small tooth-colored shell placed over a tooth surface. Veneers are usually constructed from porcelain and bonded to a tooth surface. They are the most common way to change the color and shape of your smile.

There are a few steps to getting dental veneers:

  • Your dentist will reshape the enamel and, take an impression of your teeth, send it to a laboratory.
  • Once the laboratory receives the impression, they will create permanent veneers.
  • The lab will then send the model and impression to your dentist.
  • Once the model and impression are received, the dentist will place them on your teeth, adjust them, and bond them to your existing teeth.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers are generally made of porcelain and, therefore, are durable. The only exception is if the veneer becomes chipped or cracked and needs to be replaced. They can last for about 10 to 15 years with proper care.

How Much Do Veneers Cost?

Veneers are a relatively inexpensive dental procedure. Most of the cost is covered by your insurance. However, we would encourage you to contact us to discuss your options.

Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Yes, gum disease is preventable. Maintain proper hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day. You will also need to use an effective mouthwash. Eat a healthy diet with teeth-friendly foods that strengthen the teeth.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Ancaster Family Dentistry for more information about periodontal disease and how you can treat it.